Young Justice Builders

House made of a green, blue and red hand with a cross for a door next to the words Young Justice Builders Justice & Love. From God. For All.

Justice has always been part of the Biblical story, but has been largely neglected and/or misunderstood by the American church in recent decades.  I think reconnecting with this Biblical story and discerning what work the church can do in this space will be an important part of the reborn church of the 21st century.

I am especially interested in the intersection of faith, justice and kids so in 2019 I started the Young Justice Builder’s Club at my church.  The purpose of this quarterly program is to have a space to intentionally talk about justice issues with elementary aged children and their grown-ups and to explore how it all connects to our faith.  

I continue to lead this program at my own church and am excited to share my lessons (and lessons learned) with others who also want to lead their churches in this space.  Subscribe to my newsletter to receive monthly lessons or contact me to learn more.